Sunday, June 12, 2016

I've created a slideshow on the elements and principles of art at Photobucket . I took pictures in a variety of places where I thought I'd see a variety of structures, colors, etc.

Line - Field at the UB North Campus: Weeds at trees at various angles in the wind
Value - Tree framed by other trees across Ellicott Creek (Ellicott Creek Park) - various shades/tints of green across plants and water
Shapes - Grove of lilac bushes create triangular shape, also seen in roof of garage
Forms - Still life - Pyramid of circular oranges with apple and avocado, rectangular writing pad
Space - Galleria Mall exterior and parking lot
Color - Varying shades of green and blue, contrasting with the warm colors of the people in the creek (Ellicott Creek Park)
Texture - At the beach: varying textures of sand, seaweed, rough and smooth stones
Balance - UB North Campus: Symmetrical architecture reflected in water
Contrast - UB North Campus: The greens and blues contrast with the white monument in the center. The wind-blown trees and grasses contrasts with peaceful birds and boat in the water
Movement - Ellicott Creek Park: The viewer's eyes follow the curved path along the water to the branch that curves over the path, over to the other side the creek.
Emphasis - Ellicott Creek Park: The birdhouse is centered in the picture, the lines of the branches point to it as well.
Pattern - UB North Campus, Solar Array: The repeating horizontal shapes of the array, along with the repeating vertical light poles.
Proportion - Ellicott Creek Park: The proportions of the casino ruins to the people walking through them and the trees are natural and realistic
Unity - Ellicott Creek Park

1. Describe Color and its effects on emotions - Specific effects tend to vary by culture. In general though, "cooler" colors like blue and green tend to be associated with calmness, but also with sadness and more subdued emotions. Reds and oranges are "warm" colors, often associated with strong emotions.
2. What is a theoretical aspect of color that most intrigues/fascinates you? The text's information on the studies on color and behavior, as well as emotion, is fascinating. For example, it notes a shade of pink that can reduce aggressive behavior and that blue lights were associated with fewer suicide attempts in Japan.
3. In the Color video, what made the biggest impact on you in regards to color and its effects on emotions? As I noted before, Van Gogh is one of my favorite artists. It was interesting how he used clashing but very intense, and "unnatural" combinations of colors to depict his intense dislike for a cafe.
4.In the Feelings video, what made the biggest impact on you in regards to color and its effects on emotions? It was very interesting to see the contrast between Goya's "official" paintings and those he made privately. His frustration and disappointment come out in his private paintings with their dark and blurred colors, using "warm" colors to depict horrifying scenes.


  1. Great work Laurie with all of your photos taken for the project. I enjoyed your work with the bicycle path and creek demonstrating movement as a principle of art. Your eyes are naturally led along the path not once but twice as they follow the path in the background scenery you steadily notice the creek shoreline following the travel of the path. You captured this natural tendency brilliantly leading the viewer across the entire photograph from right to left taking in the entire scenes splendour.

  2. Great work Laurie with all of your photos taken for the project. I enjoyed your work with the bicycle path and creek demonstrating movement as a principle of art. Your eyes are naturally led along the path not once but twice as they follow the path in the background scenery you steadily notice the creek shoreline following the travel of the path. You captured this natural tendency brilliantly leading the viewer across the entire photograph from right to left taking in the entire scenes splendour.
