Friday, July 1, 2016

Module 6 Peer Review

1.       I looked at blogs from Nick Kraatz (Photos and Albright Knox visit) , Zack Matsulavage (Albright Knox visit) and Rachel Stewart (Photos)
2.       By and large I agreed with the elements and principles each artist associated with each photo. In Rachel’s photos I could often see other elements and principles; for example, in #8 with the stop sign, there was the contrast of the square right behind the stop sign and the repetition of red with the stop sign, the red awning, the car and the fire hydrant. For number 14, she could have also used pattern/rhythm or unity with the repeating bicycle shapes. In Nick’s, the circular shape made of bricks could be used to depict shape, pattern/rhythm (with the repeating bicks shapes and concentric circles), or line.
3.       Surprisingly, Nick, Zach and I all chose Niagara, by Frank Moore for similar reasons. Nick and I also both picked Rene Magritte’s The Voice of Space; Nick was interested in the colors, I noted the colors and the mood.
4.       There were a couple of images that also caught my eye but I didn’t end up using them. Zach picked Elliot’s Shelocta, PA – even though the images in the painting are intensely bright there’s something depressing about the scene. The man is alone, with no other living things around, looking sternly at his newspaper while walking. I’d be curious to know what the artist’s connection was – why this place? Why this man?
5.       I actually had a fair amount of trouble finding where people had the information on their blogs – finding the right links. Others may have had the information but I just couldn’t find it. It was somewhat useful to read the reflections, especially where we’d picked the same picture, and I did like looking at other’s photos.

6.       No one has posted any comments on my blog yet. I usually don’t find this sort of thing helpful because classmates generally don’t want to write anything critical of each other.

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