Sunday, July 3, 2016

Module 7 – Architecture

I watched the videos Prairie Style and Architecture: The Science of Design

1. a) Prairie Style – The video focused on the work of Frank Lloyd Wright and his influence on current architects, particularly residential architects. It described the key ideas in Wright’s style: interiors with a lot of open spaces (instead of separated rooms), emphasis on the horizontal (band of brick/stone, band of windows, band of flattish roof), and design that connects the house to its surroundings (ex: view from the house, way the sunlight hits the house, etc).                                         b) Architecture: The Science of Design – This video discusses some of the various scientific principles involved in architecture. With skyscrapers, the effects of wind must be anticipated and prepared for as much as dealing with the weight of the structure. Computer technology can be integrated into the running of homes and businesses. Development of better forms of concrete has led to architectural innovations.

2. a) Prairie Style – The video gives more detail on Wright’s style than the text does. But the text gives a better example in Fallingwater. Fallingwater really shows how Wright incorporated the surroundings into the structure, and the house really looks like it just “grew” out of the landscape, even quarrying stone for it out of the surroundings.                                                                               b) Architecture: The Science of Design – The video dovetails with the discussion of reinforced concrete in the texts. Beyond that they didn’t have a lot in common

3. a) Prairie Style – I liked how the video showed the ongoing influence of Wright’s style, which wasn’t addressed in the text.                                                                                                                      b) Architecture: The Science of Design – I really didn’t care too much for this video. The segments didn’t seem to fit together and it was 25 years old. The text had so much more on current concepts/materials in architecture.

4. a) Prairie Style – I chose this one because I’ve been to the Wright houses in Buffalo and also visited Fallingwater on a family vacation, so I thought it would be interesting to see more about Wright.                                                                                                                                                    b) Architecture: The Science of Design – I just picked the next one on the list.

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