Monday, August 1, 2016

Module 11 videos

1.       Explain why you selected each of the TWO videos you choose from the selection listed above.
-          Expressionism – I found the text discussion interesting about artists painting based on their subjective feelings rather than objective reality
-          The Mystical North – I find Goya’s intense emotion interesting and also the Surrealists. I also had an opportunity to see a gallery of Dali’s work in St Petersburg, Florida once on vacation.
2.       For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
-          Expressionism – The text indicates that expressionism existed in the early 20th century, but the video shows its influence throughout the century. The video shows how very different the styles of various Expressionist artists were. Artists like Munch and Kirchner made different versions of the same work over time (Ashes and Five Women on the Street, respectively), indicating how the artist’s subjective feelings changed over time.
-          The Mystical North – Northern Spain is home to subcultures that speak languages other than Spanish and don’t necessarily identify with mainstream Spanish culture. The evolution of Spanish art was closely associated with historical events like the Napoleonic conquest and the civil war between the communists and the fascists. Many artists changed their styles  radically over their careers. Goya began as a traditional court painter, but created extremely dark and nightmarish “Black Paintings” later in life. Picasso experimented with many styles over the course of his long career.
3.       How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
-          Expressionism – The video gave much more background to the lives of artists like Munch and Kirchner. As noted above, it gave much more information on the influence of the Expressionists throughout the 20th century.
-          The Mystical North – As noted above, the video gives much more of the historical context behind the artists presented.
4.       What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?

-          See above

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